July: New Stuff for SL Artists

Artists in Second Life must be happy – there are not one but two new gachas to replenish our artist supplies. So go get shopping.

Random Matter’s Art Studio

Now that the crowds have thinned a little at the latest Epiphany, you can whiz in and find Random Matter’s latest gacha – the Art Studio. The collection is very pink or blue, but avoiding that there are some great pieces like the paint pots. and the dabbing mannekin (although pink, the accompanying broken one gets my vote). L50 per pull, with some rares.

TP to Epiphany or Epiphany Mirror

Candy Cruncher’s Artist Gacha

The latest Shiny Shabby has just opened with Candy Cruncher’s newest gacha – the Artist Gacha. There’s a nice set of acrylics here, and I also like the sketch book. Note that although the gacha key says “No Rares” in my own experience winning the paper and piant pots is a little infuriating. Your play may differ.

TP to Shiny Shabby

P.S. As norm, our extras are going into our gacha stores. You can find an artist and art display in our latest satellite at Gacha Shack. Currents will be at pull price for commons, and after a month or so, below pull.




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