Ready for NaNoWriMo

I returned to Second Life after a couple of year’s absence for two SL reasons –

  1. To make use of the in-world writing groups and communities, especially leading into November’s largest annual real world writing challenge, NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).
  2. To write to the sounds of natural bird call and ocean waves. I can’t afford the $1.5M necessary to live next to a real world beach, but Second Life can give me those writing mood enhancing sounds, for around 50 cents.

The Writing Studio

Before listing the items currently providing a NaNoWriMo writing setting, I must first say the slight differences I’ve found in Second Life since I was here last. There are a couple –

Changes sit around the popularity of mesh bodies now. After getting through the first few days of throttled Linden allowances on a newbie avatar I even got myself a mesh body, but am holding off on heads as for now, until we see what happens with Bento.

The other change is in shopping. Mystery subscriber boxes and events are taking off, but the biggest change is in the many gachas available, catering for that FOMO Collector feeling I am privy to. Gachas were just beginning to happen when I was leaving. This means that I’ve possibly spent far too much outfitting exactly the right item for my writing studio, and have far too many repeat items. I can understand the many yardsales and resellers now taking over the grid.

Which explains that many of the items in my studio are gacha items. And also how probable it is, that over time they will all be changed up a bit with new gacha keys.


Get Writing | Laptops and NaNo
  • Writing Desk, Chair, Pot with Pencils, Notepad and Bookshelf – Writer’s Shed, Earth Nirvana
  • Trash Can – distributes previous writing attempts – *Secret Shelf* Writer’s Woes, Seraphim Bracken
  • Laptop – {vespertine} Geekbook Gacha – Writer
  • Keys, EHD and coins on desk – SORGO Gacha
  • Writing Ideas Repository Jar and Work in Progress Box- *free group gifts* – Milk Wood – Writers’ Meet & Daily Dash, Milk Wood (76, 63, 22) – General;
Write, Damnit
  • Desk, chair and Pad/Tablet – Second Spaces – Writing Block
  • Donut Box and Coffee Cup – [satus inc]
  • 2017 Desk Calendar; Rusty Timer and Desk Clutter – *free group gifts* – Milk Wood – Writers’ Meet & Daily Dash, Milk Wood (76, 63, 22)
  • Paper Balls – SORGO Gacha, Arcade Sept 16
  • Animated DJ Skeleton – NewThunk Gacha – TCF
Lie Down and Write
  • Pillow, Vintage Typewriter, Book Clutter – *free group gifts* – Milk Wood – Writers’ Meet & Daily Dash, Milk Wood (76, 63, 22)
  • Lab on Laptop – JIAN Lively Labs Gacha :: Not So Srs Bsns Pup – Arcade Sept 16
Scrabble Tiles
  • BALACLAVA!! 9 / 5 Letters To Decor
Manuscript Awry! and Reading Nook (with Budgies)
  • Lab on Sofa –  JIAN Lively Labs Gacha :: Buddy Couch RARE – Arcade Sept 16
  • Book Pile – Primpossible – 1 Prim Unlimited Decor
  • Scattered Manuscript and Boxed Manuscript- floorplan. jack’s scattered manuscript and floorplan. jack’s manuscript.
  • Crates – floorplan. old crate stack
  • Lamp – floorplan. book stack lamp / autumnal
  • Budgies in Cage – [ free bird ] – My Pet Budgie Cage – Coral and Budgies Gacha
  • Travelling Typewriters – floorplan. traveling typewriter Gacha
  • Writer and Nerd Bookends and Books – [ free bird ] Book Collection Base Gacha and Books by You Gacha
  • Chair – Sway‘s Armchair [Darling] Patchwork
Random Writing Companions

Because every writer should have some.

  • Jian Labradors, various – Gacha, Arcade Sept 16
  • KittycatS – Breedables – Megapus and Normal Cat
  • [ free bird ] living Budgies Gacha- must be tended or they will go black (believe me, it happens quickly)

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